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About Us

Our team is a year-round program. Whether you like your children to practice diving  for entertainment or competition, diving is more than a sport. Diving will not only  develop children's visual, mental and motor skills but also will help them to increase determination and self-confidence.


With more than 20 years of experience, the Miami Diving Team stands as one of the best diving teams in the nation.  Many national champions and Olympians have emerged from this program. It is our goal to provide a diving program that emphasizes learning and fun.


We offer four different programs for children 6 and older: Learn to Dive, Future Champions, Junior Olympics and Summer Camps. The Miami Diving team is a competitive program. We are part of the Florida Gold Coast Diving Association, United States Diving, and the Athletic Amateur Union. The team participates in competitons for different levels: club, regional and National Championships level.

All of our coaches are SAFETY CERTIFIED by UNITED STATES DIVING and AAU to unsure that your children will be learning in the safest environment we can offer. 

Positive Coach System:

 Our organization is committed to the principles of Positive Coaching Alliance and against a “win-at-all-cost” mentality. PCA calls a Positive Coach a “Double-Goal Coach®.” A win-at-all-cost coach has only one goal – to win. A Positive Coach shares that goal (wants to win) but has a second goal that is even more important – to use the sports experience to help young people learn “life lessons” and positive character traits that will help them be successful throughout their lives.



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Programs offered through MIAMI DIVING are not affiliated with or co-sponsored by the University of Miami or SCC

©1996 - 2021 MIAMI DIVING

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